About me
Ongoing appointments
President of the UN Global Compact Network Italy, a body of the United Nations within the Global Compact Program
President of the Scientific Committee of Symbola, Foundation for Italian Qualities
President of the Impartiality Guarantee Committee of Certiquality
President of the Sustainability Committee of Eurizon Capital
Founding Member of Ergo S.r.l., Spin-off company of Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
Member of the Board of Directors of Fondaca (Active Citizenship Foundation), European think tank founded in 2001
Vice-president of Fondazione Minoprio
Member of the Scientific Committee and of the Executive Committee of the Inter-University Centre CESISP, founded by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the Faculty of Engineering of Genoa and the Polytechnic University of Turin
Member of the Scientific Committee of CRIBE (Interuniversity Research Centre on Biomass for Energy)
Member of the Scientific Committee of CSR Manager Network
Member of theTeaching Community of SEC Scuola di Economia Civile
Member of the Board of Directors of Touring Club Italiano
Consultant for Confindustria, Unioncamere and Assolombarda (Green Economy Network), on Environmental Management and Health and Safety in the workplace
Director of the II level Master Degree in Environment Management and Control: efficient management of resources of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
The goal of my research is to merge managerial and technical expertise for the promotion of sustainability principles, in the public and private sectors.
My research focuses on the followings areas:
- Circular economy and Efficient resource management
- Management and measurement of the circular economy
- Management of the life-cycle and ecological footprint of products
- Waste management
- Public-private partnership
- Climate policies and business strategies
- Ecosystem services and biodiversity
- Ecological and energetic transition
- Renewables and energy efficiency strategies
- Environmental Management
- Sustainable consumption and lifestyles
- Environmental Management Systems
- Industrial ecology and eco-industrial parks
- Green Marketing
- Green Procurement
- Environmental innovation and green technologies
- Integrated pollution prevention and reduction
- Sport and the environment
- DNSH, Market evaluation and multi-criteria analysis of green technologies
- Corporate sustainability
- Stakeholder involvement and participatory mechanisms for sustainable development
- Health and safety management
- Innovation and entrepreneurship in Smart Cities
- Public policies for local sustainable development and strategic environmental assessment
- Sustainability reporting
- Sustainable Supply-Chain Management