Italian Business & SDGs Annual Forum

The Global Compact Network Italy Foundation organized the Italian Business & SDGs Annual Forum 2017 on September 27th from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm in Lucca, in the prestigious Palazzo Pfanner in via degli Asili 33. The Forum was kindly hosted by the Sofidel Group and is organized with the support of A2A and Edison. The initiative has obtained the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Municipality of Lucca, Confindustria Toscana Nord - Lucca, Pistoia, Prato.
Companies of all sizes participated in the meeting, coming from various productive sectors, committed - or intending to do so - to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries. These were joined by representatives of institutions, civil society, academic institutions and the world of research.
Also this year the event was characterized as a multi-stakeholder debate on the role that the private sector is called to play in support of the 17 Objectives for Sustainable Development (SDGs) incorporated in the 2030 Agenda.
The first edition of the Forum (September 2016) made it possible to identify the themes and objectives connected to sustainable development that represent, at the national level, priorities in terms of commitment and action of the private sector supported by stakeholder organizations. This new edition, which subtitles "From saying to doing", has proved to be an opportunity for the definition of Collective Action by sustainability actors, ie new partnerships and collaborations between those who participated in the initiative.